Simulation of the electroerosion treatment process using neural networks
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper provides formalization and construction of a model of the process of electrical discharge machining. When describing the process, a T-shaped equivalent circuit containing an RLC circuit was used. Determine the transfer function of the proposed substitution scheme. Also, a task is formulated and an algorithm for neural network parametric identification of a T-shaped equivalent circuit is proposed. The problem is posed and an algorithm is developed for neural network parametric identification of the equivalent circuit with a computational experiment, the formation of training samples on its basis, and the subsequent training of dynamic and static neural networks used in the identification problem. The process was simulated in Simulink, Matlab package. Acceptable coincidence of the calculated data with the experimental ones showed that the proposed model of electrical discharge machining reflects real electromagnetic processes occurring in the interelectrode gap.

EDM, modeling, interelectrode gap, material removal, productivity, interelectrode gap

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