Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to studying the etiology and pathogenesis of psycho-somatic status in the persons of dangerous professions, who survived the stress associated with activity. This paper presents the information about vegetative changes, diseases of psycho-somatic character, observed psychological changes, family and sexual disharmonies and dysfunctions in these patients. The study reveals pathogenetic relation of changes in the integral health indicators (Index of Functional Measurements and Biological Age) with psycho-somatic changes in the dynamics post-stress disorders; this gives the possibility of their most effective use in the diagnostic process. It is established the pathogenetic relation between adaptation disorders with family and sex-ual disharmonies and dysfunctions, indicating highly quantitative estimates of these parameters to identify the severity of the disorders of psycho-somatic status. This article covers the aspects of the etiology of disorders of psycho-somatic relations in the dynamics of violations adaptation in the survivors of the stress associated with the service activity. The results of the study provide a simple and effective assessment of the patho-physiological features of psycho-somatic status by means of the integral indicators and analysis of family and sexual disharmonies.

autonomic nervous system changes, family and sexual disharmony, disorder of psycho-somatic interaction, biological age.

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