Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of this study is agroecological activity that combines the goals of agricultural production with maximum consideration of the tasks of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, as well as the corresponding indicators that allow tracking the process and the main results of the considered integrated activity. A comprehensive comparative analysis of the conceptual apparatus and main definitions defining the sphere of interests of agroecology, agroecological accounting and statistics, used by various scientific institutions and individual scientists in specialized international organizations, primarily FAO, OECD, European Association for Agroecology, Eurostat and some other similar structures, in the CIS countries, Spain, Brazil and a number of other states, as well as in the French Ministry of Agriculture and the US Department of Agriculture. The objects of the analysis were mainly the approaches of various international organizations to defining the scope and structure of agroecological measures and individual actions, including the proposed accounting and statistical indicators. Particular attention is paid to the problem of organic agricultural production, i.e. the release of organic agricultural products and its place in the composition of agroecological statistics.

agroecology, organic products, agroecological indicators, environmental protection measures, agroecological statistics

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