Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the research of regularities of organizational development of construction companies of the Russian Federation and verification of the developed theoretical model of evolution of production (operational) structure. The proposed theoretical model is based on the hypothesis of the existence of two basic types of production (operational) structures - sequential and parallel - which dialectically change each other, qualitatively changing in the process of growth and development of organizations. The object of the study were construction companies (OKVED-2021 codes 41.2, 42.2, 42.9, 43.1, 43.2, 43.9 and 71.1) that are located in the Russian Federation. The cluster analysis was used as a method of research. The results of the study generally confirmed the hypothesis of two basic types of organizational structures and the theoretical model of the evolution of the production structure. The results of the study can be the basis for the development of business models of organizations in the construction industry.
organizational development, cluster analysis, construction
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