Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The digitalization of public procurement is a popular topic of discussion in both the scientific and business world. Currently, government procurement of goods and services in Russia does not use the full potential of digital technologies and is at the stage of electronization and automation. Technologies such as big data analytics, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and additive manufacturing are not yet widely used. This article examines this problem from two sides. First, the existing and promising digital technologies of public procurement are studied, their classification is given by complexity, level of application and functions. The directions for the development of digital technologies are discussed using examples in Russian and foreign practice. Secondly, attention is also paid to the problem of organizations' readiness for digital transformation in technological and organizational aspects, taking into account the influence of environmental factors.
procurement, public procurement, digitalization, digital technologies, procurement 4.0, digitalization readiness, readiness
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