Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
VAC 05.02.07 Технология и оборудование механической и физико-технической обработки
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.22 Отделка поверхностей и нанесение покрытий
The paper gives the results of the studies on applying nickel-phosphorus coating on the surface of aluminum alloy parts and pre-finishing treatment for coating. The parameters affecting the deposition rate of the nickel‒phosphorus alloy and the modes of surface treatment of the part for coating are selected. The work objective is to set up a multifactorial experiment for the study of the coating influence on the wear resistance of aluminum alloy parts during their operation in production conditions. The task to which the paper is devoted is to conduct research on the influence of technological modes on the wear resistance of the coating. The experiment was planned, which made it possible to work out the optimal deposition modes and the coating composition to obtain the main high quality indicators of its surface, i.e. roughness and wear resistance. It has been experimentally established that with an increase in the concentration of hypophosphite (sodium alkali metal salt and phosphoric acid), the rate of coating formation slightly increases. Experimental studies have been carried out on the wear resistance of samples with nickel-phosphorus coating and without this coating. It is shown that the coatings applied by chemical nickel plating to the samples provide higher wear resistance under friction conditions with lubrication compared to the uncoated samples. The main provisions of chemical coating technology and mechanical engineering technology are used in the work. The novelty of the work consists in obtaining mathematical dependencies for working out optimal modes of deposition of nickel-phosphorus coating on the parts surface. Single-factor studies of polishing samples with felt grinding wheels with abrasive material applied to their surfaces using an adhesive bundle at polishing modes =20 m/s, t = 0.01 mm, S =0.001mm/rev, p =0.18 MPa. Made it possible to obtain the roughness parameters of the base material in the range of = 0.32 ... 0.08 microns, which contributed to an increase in the adhesion strength of the base material with nickel coating.
coating, treatment, planning, experiment, wear resistance, parts, nonferrous metala and alloys
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