Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper attempts to develop a model of automobile tourism in Moscow region. The authors consider the theoretical basis for the development of automobile tourism in the Russian Federation. It is noted that the car tourism can be considered as the most promising for the organization of travel inside the home region or in neighboring regions. Based on review of the literature on this subject the classification of types of automobile tourism is suggested, indicating that this type of tourism fits a wide range of population. The possibility of an active development of automobile tourism in Moscow region is studied. Analyzed are tourist resources such as transport infrastructure, accommodation facilities, cultural, historical and natural sites. On the basis of this analysis the authors creat an enlarged model of automobile tourism in Moscow region. The authors suggest measures that need to be implemented in Moscow Region by Government to create favorable conditions for the development of automobile tourism. The results of the public opinion poll on the topic "The main factors influencing the development of automobile tourism in the Moscow region" are highlighted, showing the importance of the development of road infrastructure and the development of models for road routes in Moscow region. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the Moscow region is a promising area for the development of automobile tourism.

automobile tourism, domestic and inbound tourism, Moscow region, development model auto tourism

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