Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The presented article devoted to the development of the methodology for evaluating innovation and investment projects, taking into account their nature in the modern economy. The main goal of innovation and investment projects is to achieve advantages through the possession and use of innovative solutions in the activities of the subject of investment. In this case, one should take into account the importance of assessing both from the point of view of innovative efficiency (the degree of novelty and additional profit due to the introduction of innovation into the business processes of the subject of investment), and the overall investment efficiency (assessed by means of investment analysis tools). In the modern economy, the achievement and retention of competitive advantages is a basic precondition for the successful functioning and development of any business. As for companies in the oil and gas sector, there is a certain industry specificity: with the depletion of easily accessible hydrocarbon reserves and during the period of parallel development of alternative energy, innovations (and often disruptive ones) ensure the survival of companies and the ability to remain in the energy market due to timely and relevant technological solutions. And building up competitive advantages requires even higher innovative efficiency. Therefore, the development of the methodology for evaluating innovation and investment projects is presented from the point of view of the outstripping rate of innovative activity of companies in the oil and gas industry.

methodology, assessment, innovation and investment project, development, indicators

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