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Abstract (English):
Relevance. The topicality of the research is due to the increasing complexity and acuteness of social problems of the disabled in society. In the context of globalization, leading to the transformation of social systems it becomes very important to find solutions for the problems that reduce the quality of life of people with disabilities. Object. Children (511000) aged 0-17 with disabilities (various diseases). People with disabilities — a total of 12 million. The Subject Matter. Assessment of the demographic situation and the proportion of people with disabilities. Evaluation of parameters of growth/ decline of the population 2000 — 2014 determine the connection between the population growth and level and quality of life. Theoretical analysis of the relationship between the concepts of «quality of life» and «human potential». The relationship of the concept of «human capacity» with «quality of life» and with one of the key indicators — the level and quality needs of the individual, group and society. Theoretical analysis of the structure of «human potential»: a) the external potential (environmental and technical) and b) of the internal potential biological side (substrate, functions and spiritual side (needs, abilities). Assessment of quality of life from the position of subjective indicators (degree of satisfaction with the quality of life of individuals) and objective indicators (satisfaction scientific needs and interests of the population). Parties of «quality of life»: 1) material (food, clothing, housing), 2) ecological (the state of the natural environment), 3) physiological — health (availability of medical care), 4) existential (security level), 5) social (stable social relations in the society), 6) cultural (availability of sufficient conditions for education and development of abilities). «Index of human development» that includes all the aspects of quality of life and basic social indicators: 7) «the life expectancy of the population», 8) development of education, 9) the standard of living of the population. The analysis of «health» as a factor of quality of life. Sociomedical care of persons health outcomes. The analysis of the reasons of age, the proportion of chronic diseases and mortality of able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation. Underfunding as the reason for the deceleration of the health system. Immanent reasons of the health system involving incomplete and inefficient activities of that social institution. Comparison of RF and EU on the level of mortality of the population (including mortality in working age). The reasons of the reduction of working life for men and women in the Russian Federation. Sociological survey respondents (15-30 years) in the presence of chronic diseases. Analysis of growth trends of cardiovascular disease in different age groups of the population. Analysis of the material side of life quality. Real money incomes, especially in the group of low-income Russians. Analysis of the needs of the population in life support on main areas: food, clothes, wages, housing. Analysis of the cultural aspect of life quality. Degree of satisfaction with teaching children in school, Analysis of social protection of the disabled with a special measure of «quality of life». The level and quality of professional rehabilitation of people with disability. Needs assessment in vocational guidance, vocational training and retraining, labour adaptation. Growing requirements for hired personnel reduce the chances of disabled persons to obtain employment, Purpose. The aim of this article is a comparative analysis of the level and quality of life in our country and people with disabilities. The comparison of the standard of living of ordinary people and the disabled, in particular in order to see what is the gap between the level and quality of life of these people in our country the main aspects of the article. The article gives a comparative analysis of the level and quality of life in our country and people with disabilities. The analysis conducted by several criteria, but the main emphasis is on three overall indicators: income, health indicators, the quality and availability of education. As a result of the research there appeared that in general the quality of life in Russia can be considered high, but the quality of life of people with disabilities in our country is low.

quality of life, criteria of quality of life, human development, the index of human development, human potential, invalids, the necessities of life.

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