Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Background. In article the possibilities of use of LED-technologies in terms of periodontal reception are considered. Materials. The study population consisted of patients (59) with chronic generalized periodontitis. All sub-jects were allotted to 2 groups. Methods All of the patients of the first group treated with conventional therapy and the use of modulated light diodes in the red spectral region. Second group was a comparison group. The patients in this group underwent traditional methods of treatment. The studied parameters included to assess cytological and bacteriological, parameters of gingival fluid and Clinical examination, definition of socio-dental indicators the social impact of dental disease. Result. The results of research has shown that after the complex treatment of chronic periodontitis with a modulated diode light in the red spectral region, changes in periodontal tissues has positive dynamic in patients of group 1 on the 3-4 visit, in the two groups on the 6-7. Conclusion. The study motivatesthe inclusion of fotodinamotherapy into complex tretment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis
LED-technologies, modulated diode light in the red spectral region, chronic generalized periodontitis, local immunity, fotodinamotherapy.
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