Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To evaluate the overall economic losses from premature mortality of patients with schizophrenia in psychiatric hospitals of Moscow; evaluate the economic and social burden (at a sufficiently representative sample) mortality of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and able to work at the time of death engaged in labor activities. The contribution of men and women in economic damage in spite of the fact that the ratio of the dead men and women in the study sample was 1: 1.7, the contribution to the overall economic impact of male mortality was significantly greater (ratio 2.5: 1). Economic damage for 5 years from the premature death of patients, potentially employed in the economy amounted to RUB 449,451,416.0. In recalculation per 1000 people per year – 936.4 million. Rubles. Was used by one of the two components of the index DALY: Years of Life Lost (YLL) – years lost (lost) life – the difference between life expectancy and the age at which the individual died. The obtained results were statistically significant and correlated with literature data (YLL rate averaged 15.7 years, the number of nedozhityh to life expectancy for males had an average of 4.4 years longer than in women (18.8 and 14.4, respectively)).

economic loss, social burden of schizophrenia, mortality of patients with schizophrenia, the total damage.

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