Currently, the methods of early diagnosis and treatment of stable angina are of interest to researchers. One of the methods of diagnosis is echocardiography using a two-dimensional speckle tracking. Technology speckle tracking allows to evaluate systolic and diastolic heart function in various cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease (CHD). By means of this program all types of myocardial deformation: radial, circular, longitudinal, the rate of deformation and rotation of the myocardium can be evaluated. The clinical studies have shown that changes in the indices of deformation are sensitive markers of myocardial ischemia in the early stages [9]. In this study the authors investigated the effect of anti-anginal drug Coronater on the parameters of radial, circular and longitudinal deformation of the left ventricular myocardium in patients with angina pectoris 1-2 functional class (FC). The drug Coronater is phytotherapeutic preparation of anti-anginal action used to treat angina FC 1-2. The main active ingredients are Ligustikum Sichuan and broneol. Most clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of anti-anginal drug Coronater having significant coronarolytic and anti-ischemic effects.
coronary heart disease, two dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography, myocardial strain, longitudinal deformation, stable angina pectoris.
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