Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study was to perform column adsorption liquid chromatography in order to obtain ethanol eluate, after preliminary sequential elution of ethanol extract with solvents in the order of their polarity: n–hexane, toluene, chloroform, acetone; to study in detail the chemical composition of this eluate by chromatography-mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, with the intensification of compounds determining the composition of eluate, obtaining their masses -spectra, structural formulas, determination of the nature of trace elements. Materials and methods of research. A detailed study of the chemical composition of acetone eluate of ethanol extract of walnuts+ leaves was carried out using column adsorption liquid chromatography, chromato-mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence analysis. The results and their discussion. The features of the chemical composition of ethanol eluate of the product of column adsorption liquid chromatography of ethanol extract were studied, the qualitative composition and quantitative content of compounds identified in the first one were established by chromatography-mass spectrometry. Mass spectra and structural formulas were obtained for 31 individual eluate compounds. Ethanol eluate is characterized by the following indicators of structural and group composition (mass. % of eluate): esters of phthalic acid - 52.14, silicon and sulfur-containing compounds, respectively - 20.19 and 6.43, hydrocarbons - 15.38, glycosides - 2.21, alcohols - 1.92, carboxylic acids - 1.07, sterols - 0.89. It is assumed that the pharmacological effect of ethanol eluate is mainly determined by a set of free carboxylic acids, as well as phthalic acid, formed as a result of biochemical and hydrological transesterification of its esters containing compounds, alcohols, glycosides and sterols. Organosilicon compounds during hydrolysis give silica in the size of nanoparticles, which play the role of carriers of the above compounds to various organs of a living organism, as well as drainage of blood vessels from the products of cell metabolism, for example, cholesterol, various fats, etc. A comparative characteristic of the chemical composition of all ethanol extract eluates was carried out, the effectiveness of column adsorption liquid chromatography was shown.

green walnut+leaves, ethanol extract, liquid column adsorption chromatography, ethanol eluate, chromato-mass spectrometry

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