Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation
Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Some original biological researching it was presented the assent of stochastic stability of different parameters of tremorogram, cardiointervals and electromiogram for one man (within any changing of him organism). Many years ago (1947 y.) N.A. Bernstein presented special hypothesis about «repetition without repetition» for any type of movement. During 74 years nobody not presents the numerical proving of the hypothesis. Now we prove Eskov-Zinchenko effect and we must change all our presentation about standard and norm in medicine. The homeostasis is not stable state of human body. According to development of new science (theory chaos-selforganization) we presented the facts for Eskov-Zinchenko effect for biosystems. The parameters of homeostasis is not stable.
standard, homeostasis, statistical instability, Eskov-Zinchenko effect
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