Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
End of the twentieth and the beginning of the XXI century in Russia were characterized by profound political and socio-economic changes in all spheres of state and society. This is reflected in medicine, in the article on the basis of literature data and data reporting dental services in the Krasnodar Territory analyzed the state of dental care in this region of the Federation. It is shown that the study of preventive dentistry may complete scientific discovery. Number of people seeking dental care, especially through primary – health centers, and grows up to 25% of the total incidence. Even physicians dentists are among the patients, their colleagues, and the defeat of diseases of the oral cavity is close to 100% coverage among the population. Why it is so necessary preventive techniques presented in the article di-rection, contributing to the improvement of preventive measures. Special role in the study of dental health plays information about dental education to the public, features of preventive dental techniques people of different ages. Health child and adolescent population is an integral part of public health, as by adding a set of attributes of individual health and integrating socio-economic features of a society, it takes on new features and quality. It is also important to have an idea about the features of the dental health of geriatric age, which constitute a large, all growing part of our population. Level of health of these groups in terms of dentistry not only illustrates the diversity of human exposure to natural, socio-economic and organizational health problems, but also indirectly reflects the health of the nation as a whole. Therefore, it is important to characterize the medical and social factors that influence the health, at least in a particular region of the Russian Federation.

state, incidence, prevention, dentistry, hospitals, scientific discovery, public health

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