Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper reviews current approaches to the registration of the electrocardiogram for a long period. A review of existing solutions based on contact adhesive and fabric electrodes and non-contact ones is carried out. The last type of electrodes is offered as an optimal solution. The fundamental principle of operation of the new electrodes is fixing the capacitance parameters, in contrast to the classical voltage registration. The ability to operate through a tissue, thereby providing a suitable level of comfort for long-term utilizing of these electrodes is advantage in comparison with the contact adhesive and the contact dry textiles ones for electrocardiogram monitoring. The main problem is that all types of the electrodes are affected with noise spoiling useful signal when the person moves. To minimize the influence of artifacts, some developers of registration systems for measuring electrical activity of heart and brain have chosen the way of manufacturing high-cost microchips, what can be an obstacle for non-contact sensors penetrating of the public market. The authors propose an approach to solving the difficulties in signal recordings in indirect way without using of specialized microchip. The results of their own research are presented.

long-term ECG monitoring, non-contact electrodes, artifacts of movement

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