Elec, Lipetsk, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the features of the use of disjunctive, intensifying and separating punctuation marks in the advertising texts of commercial communication of glossy magazines. The relevance of the topic is due to linguists’ interest to the normative aspect of punctuation of the verbal part of advertising messages, to the influencing potential of paralinguistical active means, including syngrahemics. The research material is glossy periodicals, which, due to the special content and accumulation of various types of stereotypical ideas, ensures the effectiveness of the advertising text. The author comes to the conclusion that in the commercial advertising texts of the glossy magazine “Tatler” the dash is the most effective punctuation mark in terms of the optimal combination of segmenting and interpretive potential. It is noted that in the advertising text the punctuation marks become an auxiliary means of influencing the recipient's psychoemotional state to the verbal component in accordance with copywriter’s idea.
glossy magazine; advertising text; punctuation; punctuation marks; communicative function
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