Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research focuses on the study of the dynamics of etiquette norms in the innovative communicative space. The paper considers the factors which may condition changes in etiquette norms and stimulate formation of new norms and rules. The contribution explains the importance of taking into account theoretical foundations of etiquette studies while considering innovative norms, and lays special emphasis on comparison of traditional and innovative norms. The article reveals the role of socio-cultural context in the process of implementation of etiquette norms, and outlines the factors which determine the variability of their functioning. The study highlights specific features of innovative etiquette norms: the focus of attention is on etiquette norms regulating behaviour in the online communicative environment – with special reference to business interaction, in particular, business interaction in the format of zoom conferences. The paper suggests classification of innovation norms, outlines etiquette gaps and ways of their elimination. The publication also explains the importance of practical valiability of the study, and accounts for the need in optimization of business etiquette training – with special reference to up-to-date conditions of professional interaction.

Etiquette, innovative norms, etiquette gaps, professional communication, business interaction, teaching business etiquette

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