Russian Federation
The editor-in-chief’s column provides an overview of the issue, trends and directions of modern communication research are noted. In this issue of the journal, we get acquainted with representatives of Russian scientific schools that develop issues of linguoecology, professional, political, advertising communication, translation, teaching of communicative disciplines, etc. aspects of communication studies.
communication, linguoecology, precedent text, digitalization, professional communication, terminology, political communication, translation, mediation, advertising communication
1. Abakumova O.B., Gridasov A.K., Ivanishin D.A. Osobennosti perevoda poslovits s pozitsiy kommunikatsii i lingvokul'turologii [Features of the translation of proverbs from the standpoint of communication and cultural linguistics]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
2. Aksenova O.N., Skripnikova N.N., Shvets E.V. Vliyanie pandemii koronavirusa na leksicheskiy sostav russkogo yazyka [Influence of the coronavirus pandemic on the lexical composition of the Russian language]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
3. Bakanov R.P. Populyarizatsiya istorii kazanskoy zhurnalistiki studentami vysshey shkoly zhurnalistiki i mediakommunikatsiy kfu kak kommunikativnyy proekt: dostizheniya i problemy [Popularization of the history of Kazan journalism by students of the higher school of journalism and media communications of the KFU as a communicative project: achievements and problems]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
4. Goncharova L.M. Rabochaya programma distsipliny «marketingovaya lingvistika» [The working program of the discipline "marketing linguistics"]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
5. Deykina A.D., Yanchenko V.D. Prioritety v novykh nauchnykh issledovaniyakh po metodike prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka [Priorities in new scientific research on the methodology of teaching the Russian language]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
6. Ivanova A.A. Sotsial'naya reklama kak vid kommunikatsionnoy deyatel'nosti v formirovanii semeynykh tsennostey ital'yantsev (na primere sotsial'nykh kampaniy italii kontsa xx veka) [Social advertising as a type of communication activity in the formation of family values of Italians (on the example of social campaigns in Italy at the end of the 20th century)]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
7. Ivanova L.A., Lukomskaya E.L. Obuchenie studentov nefilologicheskikh spetsial'nostey pis'mennomu perevodu nauchno-tekhnicheskikh tekstov [Teaching students of non-philological specialties in written translation of scientific and technical texts]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
8. Konopleva A.A. Transformatsiya kommunikativnogo vzaimodeystviya v prostranstve informatsionno-telekommunikatsionnykh setey [Transformation of communicative interaction in the space of information and telecommunication networks]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
9. Ksenzenko O.A., Robustova V.V. Dinamicheskie protsessy v etikete professional'noy i delovoy kommunikatsii [Dynamic processes in the etiquette of professional and business communication]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
10. Naumova O.V. Metodicheskie usloviya primeneniya informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy v professional'noy podgotovke studentov-mezhdunarodnikov [Methodological conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in the professional training of international students]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
11. Selemeneva O.A. O funktsionirovanii znakov prepinaniya v reklamnoy kommunikatsii glyantsevykh zhurnalov (na primere rossiyskogo izdaniya mezhdunarodnogo zhurnala «tatler») [On the functioning of punctuation marks in advertising communication of glossy magazines (on the example of the Russian edition of the international magazine "tatler")]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
12. Semenova L.M. Kompetentnostnyy komplaens v formirovanii professional'nogo portreta budushchego spetsialista kommunikatsionnoy sfery [Competence compliance in the formation of a professional portrait of a future communication specialist]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.
13. Fedotova O.S. Kontseptual'no-metaforicheskaya reprezentatsiya v metadiskurse angloyazychnogo khudozhestvennogo narrativa: diakhronicheskiy aspekt [Conceptual-metaphorical representation in the metadiscourse of the English-language artistic narrative: the diachronic aspect]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Research and Development. Modern communication science]. 2021, V. 10, I. 5.