Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In clinical practice the treatment of lactose are unresolved problem and are relevant. The correct choice of tactics and comprehensive treatment provide not only the elimination of stagnation of milk, but also ensure the prevention of lactational mastitis. The use of complex measures, change the multiplicity and rules of lactation, namely: feeding by means of two breasts every 1.5-2 hours, if necessary – every hour – are effective in the treatment of lactosis. To eliminate the stagnation of milk it is necessary to use heat, gentle massage of the breast, pumping, including the use of a breast pump. Pumping milk residues should be up feelings of comfort in the breast. The main component of lactosis therapy is the use of drugs. The use of drugs which affect the reduction of prolactin levels (dostinex, parlodel) with preparations that improve the flow of milk (progestogel, oxytocin) is optimal in therapy. Combined use of dostinex with oxytocin in combination with therapeutic interventions is more effective and fast therapy. Only an integrated approach allows to achieve a therapeutic effect on condition of ensuring monitoring of devel-opment of pathological process and an exception of development of mastitis. In the absence of expected effect within a day it is necessary to carry out careful differential and diagnostic procedure for exceptions lactational mastitis, including repeated breast ultrasound and needle biopsy by means of thick needle.

lactostasis, complex treatment, suppression of lactation, lactorea

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