Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study was the choice of classification for objective assessment of the severity of traumatic injuries of the pancreas on the basis of a comparative analysis of the immediate results of surgical treatment. A new variant of the classification of severity traumatic injuries of the pancreas was proposed. Comparative analysis of classifications D. Smego et al. (1985) and A.K. Eramishanсev et al. (1994) with the proposed option stratification affected by severity of damage was carried out. The study is based as a retrospective analysis of 202 patients with the treatment of traumatic injuries of the pancreas, made during the period from 1990 to 2006. For each of the classifications of all the patients were divided into 4 groups depending on the severity of the damage and determined the number and severity of specific postoperative complications, mortality, and length of hospital stay of discharged patients. Directly propor-tional to a statistically significant dependence of the increase in the number of unfavorable outcomes of treatment and duration of hospital stay with increased severity of damage to the pancreas when using the proposed classification author’s scheme was revealed. Other classifications were not statistically significant differences in complications and mortality in groups of patients with different degrees of severity of injury to the pancreas.

traumatic injuries, pancreas, classification, severity of damage

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