Magnetic analysis of the metal structure of critical components of diesel engines is a necessary component of their reliability
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the use of magnetic technologies developed at the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for ensuring the specified mechanical properties of steel products to ensure the quality of critical components of diesel engines of the Minsk Motor Plant are generalized. The method and devices are reported. Magnetic analyzer of the quality of steel products MAKSI for automated magnetic control of mechanical properties (quality of heat treatment) of critical fastening bolts of different sizes from medium-carbon alloy steels (45, 40X, 40XH). For the automated quality control of the local surface hardening of the heads of the adjusting screws, used in an amount of 8 - 12 pieces in each engine, the rotary-conveyor principle of feeding products to the control position with an electromagnetic sensor is used, which is implemented in the Automated Sorter AS-1 device. To control the depth of the surface-hardened layer of the product sections "the axis of the rocker arms", the longitudinal magnetization of the products was used, followed by the measurement of the residual magnetic flux in them. The statistical results of the introduction of non-destructive magnetic methods are presented. Their use provides the specified mechanical properties of mass batches of critical parts of diesel engines of the Minsk Motor Plant, and is an important component of ensuring the reliability of all engines produced by the plant.

quality assurance of products, non-destructive testing, magnetic structural analysis, physical and mechanical properties, control of products in motion

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