Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Chronic heart failure is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is known that the Russian epidemiological studies on the chronic heart failure are significantly different from the overseas, but at the same time it revealed differences between individual regions of the Russian Federation. A set of material was held on the basis of six medical institutions of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, selected as a result of the randomization. 688 families, including 1600 respondents aged from18 to 100 years of rural and urban population of North Ossetia-Alania, were examined. The diagnosis of chronic heart failure was verified on the basis of a standardized assessment of clinical symptoms used in the study of EPOCH- CHF. The prevalence of heart failure among the rural population of the North Ossetia-Alania was slightly higher and reached 14.4% , and 13.9 % in urban areas. Among both rural and urban popula-tion of the North Ossetia-Alania the prevalence of heart failure was high, more than a few times higher than international epidemiological studies and higher than epidemiological research data of EPOCH - CHF. Severe сhronic heart failure reached 3.8% in rural and 3.9 % in urban population of the entire representative sample. The prevalence of сhronic heart failure was 1.3 times higher in women than in men. Among younger age groups, the prevalence of heart failure was higher in men than in women.

chronic heart failure, prevalence, sex, age, rural and urban population.

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