Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to present a model of the prospective development of the passenger air transportation market of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the conditions of overcoming the crisis caused by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the analysis of the activities of the national airlines «AZAL» and «Buta Airways», taking into account the statistical data of the passenger traffic growth of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport (Baku), as well as data on the development of the national tourism industry, a model of promising development of directions in the structure of the route network of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport is presented. The result of the research is the construction of a model for the prospective development of new directions in the structure of the route network of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The main principles of the post-crisis model of the development of the national market, according to the author, is the need to develop the segment of low-cost air transportation. The presented model of the route network development includes the development of the directions of the national budget airline «Buta Airways», as well as the expansion of cooperation with foreign budget airlines «Fly Arystan» (Republic of Kazakhstan), «Wizz Air» (Hungary), and in addition, the development of cooperation with Russian regional airlines, and first of all with the airline «Azimut» as one of the dynamically developing regional airlines of the Russian Federation.

air transportation market of the Republic of Azerbaijan, low-cost air transportation, regional air transportation, low-cost airlines, anti-crisis management

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