Processes simulation is one of the main directions in science and technology. In the presence of a simple model of the process, the results of the process before it starts can be obtained. The simulation of complex processes (systems) within the standard methods of computing and simulation software runs into difficulties because of the chaotic dynamics of such systems. The number of models that allow to describe the complex biological processes of dynamic systems is extremely small, because it is impossible to repeat the same results of experiments based on deterministic or stochastic models. The authors propose a model that allows the description of the state vector of a person within tree compartmental two-cluster systems management. The model is implemented using the package of applied programs that demonstrate the performance of each cluster separately. On the model output signals are obtained, they are compared with real experiments and the resulting signals. Signals obtained at the output of the simulation model signals show different values of external control actions in which the change in the properties of the output signal. Control signal and the output signals respectively were divided into four main components that have the same name counterparts with complex biological dynamical systems.
three compartmental two-cluster model, biological systems, external control action.
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