Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the participation of Russian universities in the authoritative international Webometrics ranking, the choice of ways to strengthen the positions and increase the number of universities in its top lists. Methodological tools of the research: analysis of statistical sources of information. The paper analyzes the dynamics of the position in the international Webometrics ranking of leading Russian universities and the Russian Federation as a whole in recent years. The directions of promotion of Russian universities-leaders of the Webometrics rating in international and domestic social networks are considered. The study allows us to conclude that there is a close connection between the network activity of universities and the webometric success of the university, as well as the need for more active interaction with the audience, a detailed study of its preferences and improvement of approaches to the formation of the communication policy of the educational institution.

international university rankings, Webometrics ranking, higher education system, university network activity, university website, Webometrics indicators, social media, engagement level, rating promotion

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