Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the methodological and practical aspects of forecasting the economic indicators of the transport sector at the level of a transport company and the type of economic activity. The development of forecasting methodology at the present time is analyzed. The necessity, features and main directions of development of the forecasting methodology for the type of economic activity are revealed. The methodological basis for forecasting the development of the transport sector is investigated and characterized. A method for forecasting transportation and storage as a type of economic activity under conditions of uncertainty is proposed and tested. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, subsets of predicted indicators and factors were formed that were optimal for constructing the corresponding linear regression models. Predictive regression models have been developed, their significance and statistical accuracy have been confirmed.

economic forecasting, uncontrollable factors, forecasting methods, multistep forecasting, types of economic activities, statistical uncertainty, projected indicators

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