Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Today we can say with confidence that in the changing world and in the Russian society, the tasks of transmitting and maintaining material and intangible values of both traditional and innovative cultures are becoming vital. One of the social groups that are in search of their cultural identity and actively forming special, sometimes unique, traditions, norms, rituals, taboos, holidays, symbolism, language are communities of autistics and people-around-autism. This determines the relevance of studying autistic communities as research spaces for identifying patterns and mechanisms for the formation of new cultures, their axiological and ethical-moral components, identifying ways of social reproduction of society and the individual. The hypothesis of the study is that autistic communities are a new cultural phenomenon, not only ensuring the integration of autistic people into society, but also humanizing modern culture. Methods. The research is based on a holistic set of principles and methods of cultural studies, as well as on the methodology of humanitarian and interdisciplinary research. The theoretical and methodological foundations of cultural research were philosophical phenomenology, cultural anthropology, axiological approach, structural and functional analysis and understanding sociology. The leading role was played by the traditional typological, comparative, hermeneutic, phenomenological methods for the humanities. The peculiarity of the study of the autistic community dictates the need to apply methods of qualitative research. Quantitative methods, especially the method of large numbers, in the study of this social group are applicable on a limited scale. Theoretical works and applied developments of scientists of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Religious Studies of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev were used. Results. The undertaken study of autistic culture made it possible to reveal its role in the formation of humanistic values of modern society. The hypothesis that autistic communities are a new cultural phenomenon, not only ensuring the integration of autistic people into society, but also humanizing modern culture, has been confirmed.
interdisciplinarity, socio-cultural research, moral values, autistic communities, society
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