Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of the formation of self-efficacy of students of professions associated with the risk of decision-making. Self-efficacy implies the ability of a person to cope with specific and complex situations, including emergencies, and to influence the effectiveness of activities and functioning [1]. Therefore, it was decided to take an increase in the level of professional self-efficacy as the basis for solving the problems of the negative impact of the "human factor" on professional activity in conditions of a high level of risk. High self-efficacy it allows not only to take up decisions and cope with complex professional tasks, but also with various stressful situations [16], as well as to avoid risks to their own health, which is of particular importance for employees of professions associated with the risk of.
self-efficacy, risk, health, professions associated with the risk of decision-making, the state of flow, competence
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