Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of the elixir of Altai ("Vitavis") in combination with ion-activated water resources increases the effectiveness of surgical treatment due to the reduction of postoperative infectious complications. The problem of postoperative complications, until now, is not solved. In oncologic patients, and those more in by III-it and As iV-oy stages occurs it immunnodefitsit, which is caused not only by basic disease, but also by consequences of khimio- beam therapy. In connection with this appears the difficulty in the surgical treatment, caused by postoperative complications. As a result surgical treatment appears surgical injury, oxidiz-ing stress, disturbance of homeostasis and oppression of immunity, which leads to an even larger disturbance of immunity in oncologic patients, which decreases the unspecific resistibility of organism. The application of adaptogena of the elixir of Altai (“Vitavis”) in combination with the ionic- activated aqueous means makes it possible to level and to reduce on no oxidizing stress, to increase the unspecific resistibility of the organism of oncologic patient and to increase immunity. Moreover, powerful antioxidant – the ionic-activated aqueous means strengthens the action of adaptogena of the elixer of Altai (“Vitavis”), which leads to the decrease of postoperative infectious complications, reduces postoperative period, improves the quality of life and enlarges indications to the surgical treatment in oncologic patients with III it and IV-oh by the stages of diseases.

Altai elixir ("Vitavis"), ion-activated water facilities, breast cancer stage III and IV.

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