Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Cephalalgia must be the leading or sometimes the single symptom of 50 different diseases. This paper is devoted to analysis the causes, the clinical features and methods of cephalalgia diagnosis in children, teenagers, as well as the modifiable and trigger factors. There is cephalalgia in 40-60% children and the prevalence of the disease increases with age, especially with the beginning of school, and reaches a peak with adolescent period 75%, this explains the importance of this work. In the last 30 years, scientists have registered the growth of the epidemiology incidence of primary headache disorders, including the chronic form of headaches: tension headache has grown in ten times, migraines – in 5-6 times. Due to the uncertainty of subjective sensations in infancy the revelation of cephalalgia becomes sometimes quite a complicated diagnostic problem. Many researchers mention the difficulty of differentiation of various cephalalgia types in infancy due to insufficient sensibility of diagnostic criteria, which were offered by the International Classification of Headache Disorders 2003. 20-35% of cases cann’t classified. In this article, the importance of headache studying is accentuated, that is necessary for life optimization of children suffering from headaches.

cephalalgia, symptom, diagnosis, children, migraine, stress, etiology.

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