Currently, there is prevalence of rotavirus infection among children, mass outbreaks of infections which are independent on the sanitary-hygienic conditions, there is no rational approach to the treatment of this disease. However, the clinical manifestations of this disease are vary depending on the age and are associated to available conditionally pathogenic flora. The study revealed that the most pronounced are the symptoms of gastro-duodenal lesions in children with acute rotavirus gastroenteritis at the initial stage of the disease. Flatu-lence, bloating, phenomena hematolite didn’t observed in any child with this nosology. Intestinal syndrome to a greater extent was expressed in acute rotavirus gastroenteritis in combination with conditionally pathogenic microflora at the initial stage of the disease. The effects of toxicity and exitosa were more pronounced in child-ren at younger ages and in acute gastroenteritis; it is combined with conditionally pathogenic microflora. Severe toxemia and exsicosis wasn’t revealed in any of the examined children. In this research, the purpose was to study the history, clinical features of the progress of rotaviruses infection in children of different ages.
rotavirus infection, children.
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