Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
UDK 60 Прикладные науки. Общие вопросы
methodology of evaluation of efficiency of the implementation at industrial enterprises of “peer-to-peer distributed systems of storage and processing of protected information in enterprise networks” has been proposed. The efficiency evaluation is based on the comparison of the indicators of reliability, fault tolerance, and total cost of ownership of the implementation of corporate information systems within the proposed system and its possible alternatives. The “peer-to-peer distributed system of storage and processing of protected information” is designed for the protection of distributed computing and incapsulation of private networks without restricting possibilities for usable interactions in the process of implementation of Industry 5.0 and Super Smart Society technologies. When these concepts get implemented in an enterprise, manufacture, logistics, and sales are merged into a global geographically and organizationally distributed information system for data exchange, which functions on top of the Internet. The proposed system offers tools for setting up distributed computing, and it ensures an effective response to threats by applying cryptography, unauthorized access protection with the use of biometry and an innovative protocol for information exchange and control of topology powered by distributed ledger technology, while also optimizing the utilization of computing capacity.
Industry 5.0, Super Smart Society, distributed ledger, cybersecurity, performance evaluation, computer simulation, peer-to-peer networks, information security, distributed computing systems.
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