Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the current priority task of the public health system, namely to development of the methods for early diagnosis, prevention and improvement the quality of medical rehabilitation of non-communicable diseases. The analysis of the conception of modern medicine - preventive, predictive, perso-nalized, and participatory - 4P medicine has been done. The features of the methods of complementary medi-cine - traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and manual medicine were described. Complementary medicine is combination of cultural traditions with long-term experience in the practical application of traditional health-care systems and practices. The possibilities of the use of complementary medicine methods have persons having higher or secondary medical degree after special postgraduate formation. The author indicated that the methods and practices of the Oriental schools are aimed for improvement of the overall culture and the culture of health, education, prevention the diseases and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The methods take into account the peculiarities of Oriental Medicine constitution long before the decoding of the human genome, which allowed to develop personalized programs for patients. The features of complementary medicine techniques based on the impact on the mechanisms of sanoge-nesis due to the recovery of the vertical axis, correct postural congestion and ensure smooth circulation of the vascular and extra-vascular body fluids, can be recommended for wider integration into the programs of personalized prevention and rehabilitation of socially significant diseases. These methods relate to the modern concept 4P-medicine.

preventive, predictive and personalized medicine, lifestyle, integration of complementary medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, medical rehabilitation.

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