Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Various methods of collecting data on passenger traffic, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. It is shown that in order to improve the quality of transport services, it is necessary to regularly collect and refine data on passenger traffic. The goals and methods of obtaining information about passenger traffic in the system of municipal passenger transport are indicated. All currently existing methods are divided into three categories: data collection using technical means, data collection with the help of censors and volunteers, and interpretation of fare payments. All the methods presented in the article were compared in terms of labor intensity, costs and accuracy of the results obtained. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are considered. The general structure of an automated system for collecting data on passenger traffic is presented. The necessity of creating a centralized system for collecting and processing data associated with all passenger transport control systems has been substantiated. The tasks solved by this system at all levels of transport services for passengers are shown. Each of the tasks is assigned to one of three service levels: pre-transport, transport and post-transport. It is shown that only solving problems at all levels can ensure high-quality operation of the municipal passenger transport system.

Automated data collection system, passenger traffic, passenger transportation, urban passenger transport, intelligent transport systems.

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