Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Comparative study of parameters of cognitive style of psychotherapists and patients with neurotic and stress-related disorders and their relationship to the efficiency of psychotherapy is presented in the article. Quadripolar paradigm of cognitive styles proposed by М.А. Kholodnaya was used in this study. Styles like as "field dependence/independence," "narrow/wide range of equivalence (cognitive control)", "rigidity/flexibility of in-formation processing" and "cognitive simplicity/complexity" are considered. Various forms of therapy were used: Gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic short-term psychotherapy and un-conscious audio suggestive. Relationship between the parameters of the patient´s cognitive style and the effec-tiveness of different types of psychotherapy was revealed. It was shown that for variety parameters of psychotherapy of cognitive style in which this method of treatment was effective found to be different. The authors revealed that therapists who prefer one or another direction psychotherapy, have cognitive style parameters specific to patients with the maximum severity of the effect, which may indicate an unconscious select the most effective therapist’s method of psychotherapy. Coincidence of cognitive styles patient and therapist lead to a high effectiveness of psychotherapy. Data obtained let the authors to better understand information exchange between psychotherapists and patients when different methods of psychotherapy were used and to proceed toward a unified theory of psychotherapy.

cognitive styles, psychotherapy, neurosis treatment.

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