Analysis of the Results of Psychophysiological Examinations of Personnel of Nuclear Facilities
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The link between the health level of an employee and his professional reliability is currently obvious and does not require additional proof. The implementation of measures aimed at reducing the risks of developing emergency situations due to the fault of the human factor at nuclear facilities is an important element of the radiation protection system. In order to achieve the above goals of the organization in accordance with Federal Law No. 170-FZ of 21.11.1995, the performance of certain types of work in the field of atomic energy use requires special permits from Rostechnadzor. A prerequisite for obtaining such a permit for a specialist is the absence of psychophysiological contraindications based on the results of a psychophysiological examination. In this study, the analysis of the results of psychophysiological examinations (hereinafter referred to as PPhE) of employees of atomic energy facilities, carried out by specialists of the A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre in 2020.

workers, psychophysiological examinations, psychophysiological contraindications, radiation safety, nuclear facilities, nuclear industry

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