Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
In this article, the object of research is the military personnel as a system, and the subject of research is the synergetic property of the system, namely the social psyche. The main objective of the study is to quantitatively describe the system microstatuses (the number of system elements, the maximum number of servicemen included in closed separate communication streams, the total number of these streams). At the macrolevel, a measure of the statistical uncertainty of the social psyche is calculated as a synergistic property of the system. The sociometry method (D.L. Moreno), graph theory and the algorithm for calculating Hamiltonian paths (N. Christophides) are used to identify any military personnel included in closed communication streams. Boltzmann's method of calculating the entropy is used as the initial entropy formula. As a result of the study, recommendations are obtained for restructuring the leadership style, using the tendencies towards organization and disorganization in the personnel making. The novelty of the article lies in formulating the problem of determining the measure of the statistical uncertainty of the social psyche, in proving the significance of the natural scientific approach in describing and identifying the elements of the system (military personnel) and in the quantitative description of the synergetic phenomena of a social group.
entropy, social psyche, communicative flow, military personnel
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