Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We present the results of a comprehensive study of the manifestation of wave activity with periods of internal gravity waves (IGW) in various regions of the atmosphere: in the stratosphere, upper mesosphere, and in the F2-region of the ionosphere. The study is based on radiophysical and spectrometric measurements made with tools of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) SB RAS and the Era-Interim reanalysis data. The correlation coefficient with time shift between ionospheric and stratospheric activity for the annual interval varies in the range from 0.45 to 0.54, and for the 27-day interval it reaches the levels 0.4–0.8 in seventy percent of the cases. Thirty percent of correlation coefficients less than 0.4 can be explained by the influence of neutral wind, geomagnetic activity, and non-stratospheric IGW sources. Comparison between stratospheric activity and variations in characteristics of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TID) has shown that a ~15 day shift in stratospheric activity results in a fairly high correlation between stratospheric activity and disturbance of IGW characteristics (~0.6). The delay of about 15 days can be attributed to the delay in the temperature variations at heights of the lower thermosphere relative to the temperature variations at the altitude pressure level of 1 hPa. Comparative analysis of variations in mesospheric and ionospheric activity has revealed time intervals when their behavior is consistent.

stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, planetary waves, TID, IGW
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