Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper analyzes the buyers of the BigCar store, which sells spare parts for trucks, using clustering methods. The algorithms of k-means, g-means, EM and construction of Kohonen networks are considered. For their implementation, the Loginom Community analytical platform is used. Based on sales data for 3 years, buyers are divided into 3 clusters by implementing the k-means, EM algorithms and building a self-organizing Kohonen network. An EM algorithm was also performed with automatic determination of the number of clusters and g-means, which divided buyers into 9 and 10 clusters. The analysis of the resulting clusters showed that the results of the k-means and Kohonen algorithms are better suited to increase sales efficiency.

Data mining, clustering, Kohonen networks, k-means algorithm, EM-algorithm, Data Mining, Loginom system

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