Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The following are considered: new acoustic-emission criteria of destruction based on invariants, which allow us to evaluate the strength characteristics of structures taking into account the degree of danger of defects, regardless of their shape, size and operational history; multi-channel systems of acoustic-emission control of structures based on them; an example of practical application of these systems for assessing the strength of air intakes of aircraft engines.
appraisals structural strength, aircraft engineering, acoustic emission, crack resistance, invariants
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7. Popov A. V., Zhumay V. E. Opredelenie prochnostnyh harakteristik konstrukciy na osnove amplitudnyh invariantov akustiko-emissionnyh processov. - Kontrol'. Diagnostika. 2008. № 10. S. 29-32.