Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In NDT of NPP equipment, it is important to determine the actual size of the defect with subsequent justification of the strength of the element with the defect. If it is guaranteed that upon completion of the NDT all defects affecting the strength will be identified, this will allow the NDT to be optimized. Any change in the NDT program is a risk-oriented solution, its application requires justification according to the criteria of the probability of a critical event and a change in this probability when implementing the proposed solution. A method for quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the volume and frequency of NDT of NPP equipment has been developed. The technique determines the number and size of design defects and the probability of their detection during manufacture and operation using ultrasonic and radiographic control.

nuclear power plant, actual size of the defect, NDT optimization, POD, ultrasonic testing, radiography

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