Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The reliability of the NDT results can be characterized by the degree of correlation between the informative NDT parameters and the technical characteristics of the material. Apparent density, open porosity and ultimate strength in bending are considered as technical characteristics of carbon-carbon composite materials. The weakening of longitudinal ultrasonic vibrations across the layers of the material is taken as an informative parameter of the NC. A significant correlation has been revealed between the ultimate strength and signal attenuation, which makes it possible to form optimal rejection criteria. Also, the reliability of NDT results can be characterized by the probability of detecting various defects. As a result of the regression analysis, the differences in the parameters of real and artificial defects were established. The use of probabilistic dependences obtained for real defects leads to the refinement of the mathematical model of the detection probability.

probability of detection, correlations, carbon-carbon composite materials

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