Russian Federation
This research is devoted to the issues of improving the management of investment processes of commercial organizations, which is relevant in the context of digitalization, since the right choice and implementation of the investment strategy allow the enterprise to strengthen its competitive position in the market and, at the same time, maintain a course for sustainable development. The paper uses a dialectical method of cognition and a systematic approach to the study of the problem area. Recent studies have shown that digital technologies create a huge potential for innovation in products and services, which is often difficult to control and predict. In this regard, the author formulated the areas that should be changed due to the need to manage the implementation of innovative digital products in commercial organizations. In conclusion, an algorithm for improving the management of investment activities of commercial organizations was proposed, which will allow overcoming the risky elements of market relations, ensuring the balanced progressive development of the organization.
investment process, commercial organizations, digitalization, digital technologies, sustainable development of the organization
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