Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The social order posed by the society to the training of highly qualified personnel for the strategic needs of the labor market is associated with the changes in the economy, including the processes of its computerization and digitalization. Transformations in the digital economy determine new requirements for specialists’ training, their competences and qualification. The rapid changes in socio-economic conditions cause the need to transform the system of vocational training in order to meet the demands for competencies that correspond to the current technologic trends and methods of production. The reforms of vocational education system can be significant in resolving contradictions between the quality of training, on the one hand, and public and employers’ demands, on the other hand. Close cooperation of professional educational institutions, employers and social partners through their joint design and development of teaching technologies and methods for advanced vocational training of qualified specialists can be considered as one of the most efficient factors and conditions for resolving the above mentioned contradictions. These new conditions have already been created in the Centers for Advanced Vocational Training (CAVT), which can be characterized as a new type of infrastructural solution to the problem of aggregation of advanced vocational training programs and material and technical resources owned by science, education, production. The article focuses on some features of interaction and cooperation among vocational educational institutions, employers and social partners (social and public-private partnerships, networking cooperation, educational and technological cluster), which are taken into account in the performance of the Center for Advanced Vocational Training of the Kemerovo region.

advanced training, forms and features of interaction, social and public private partnership, networking cooperation, educational and technological cluster, regional network for the development and implementation of advanced training programs

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