The article aims to analyze cross-functional interaction and suggests several principles of the cohesion of a team of staff. The issues of cross-functional principles of interaction are currently quite a new phenomenon in company management and business environment, which involves co-working, mutually-connected activity of the staff from various departments, which has a potential to ensure fast and integral cooperation to achieve common goals. The author highlights different sides and multidimensional nature of cross-functional interaction. By relying on the academic work by national and international researchers the author arrives at the conclusion that the given interaction can be achieved by means of employees’ awareness of the significance of co-working and employers’ efficient application of management tools. The article provides examples of the managers applying principles conducive to ensuring cross-functional cooperation and team-building. The author comes to the conclusion that to create cross-functional interaction a special role is given to effective communication between departments, employees’ recognition of the reality that cooperation in a company is multifaceted and multi-track work.
Cross-functional interaction, principles of team-building, manager, company, cooperation, management, communication, multifaceted, multi-track work
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