Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The cooperation of the State Fire Service of the Emergency Ministry of Russia with foreign countries as well as the interaction of specialists in the field of technical safety, contribute to professional communication in the relevant areas. Therefore the development and formation of a technical language with terminology and vocabulary used by specialists of various categories in foreign professional communication takes place. The concepts of “term”, “technospheric safety”, “professional terminology in the field of technospheric safety” are described. The distinctive features of the professional term are given such as inter-scientific terminological homonymy, accuracy (mathematical, logical, linguistic). The authors present the main characteristics and properties of professional terminology in the field of technospheric engineering. The authors of the article characterize the national features of professional terminology, which are reflected in the vocabulary and obey phonetic and grammatical rules. The principles for the study of professional terminology in the field of technosphere safety are considered which pose certain difficulties in translation. The article presents the main structural types of terms with examples. Particular attention is paid to the grammatical structure of the English professional sentence.

professional term; technospheric safety; concepts; English-language terminology; foreign professional communication; profession-oriented English; professional education, fire and technical disciplines

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