Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the discussion of the prospect of issuing in Russia the digital currency of the Central Bank - the digital ruble. The properties and characteristics of the digital ruble, models of the functioning of the digital currency are considered. The place of the Central Bank in the process of functioning of the platform for the production of digital rudders shown. The main stages of development and implementation of the digital ruble are presented. Expert assessments of the possibilities and consequences of the introduction of the digital ruble are discussed. The impact of the digital ruble of the Central Bank on the financial system and the potential risks of introducing a digital currency are assessed. A comparative analysis of technologies for creating a digital ruble platform been carried out. The strategies of the central banks of various countries in creating models and mechanisms for issuing digital currencies into circulation are considered. Conclusions are made about the prospects for the introduction of the digital ruble in Russia. It noted that the problem of choosing the organization of the circulation of digital currency remains unresolved. Model C creates an excessive load of settlements on the Central Bank; Model D distributes the settlement load among commercial banks, which greatly increases the risks of clients – legal entities and individuals.
digital currencies of central banks, forms of money, monetary system, distributed and centralized ledger
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