Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the analysis of the formation of moral norms in older adolescents in Russia and Kazakhstan. The authors posed the following questions: do the modern system of education in the digital society of Russia and Kazakhstan have prerequisites based on the historical traditions of our countries? What are the current trends in the modernization of the system of education in vocational education, characteristic of the digital society? Are there any justifications for the feasibility of forming a system of education of modern professional personnel for the digital economy based on the traditional principles of the system of education of professional personnel in Russia and Kazakhstan? It is shown that in adolescence it is a moral act that characterizes the formation of moral consciousness. The actions of a teenager are determined during this period by the recognition of responsibility, and not by the expectation of approval, which was typical for an earlier age period. Many adolescents have a high situational variability, adherence to diametrically opposite positions. Here is the violation of principles, and intolerance to the opinions of other people, and the demonstration of passivity in the violation of the rights of others, and the justification of immoral actions by profit. The authors proceed from the understanding that now teachers are educating those young people who have a completely different perception of reality, their thinking, moral norms, a new culture, and ways of communication. At the same time, no one removes from the modern teacher the task of transmitting to the young the existing moral and ethical norms that originate in the previous period of education.

digital generation, information society, change of cultural paradigms, state traditions of education, formation of digital culture, socio-cultural prerequisites, value-and-meaning guidelines

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