Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
A large number of aviation events are associated with the surge of gas turbine engines. The article analyzes the existing systems for diagnostics of the surge of gas turbine engines. An analysis of the acoustic signal of a properly operating gas turbine engine was carried out, at which a close theoretical distribution of random values was determined, which corresponds to the studied distribution of the amplitudes of the acoustic signal. An invariant has been developed that makes it possible to evaluate the development of rotating stall when analyzing the acoustic signal of gas turbine engines. A method is proposed for diagnosing the pre-surge state of gas turbine engines, which is based on processing an acoustic signal using invariant dependencies for random processes. A hardware-software complex has been developed using the developed acoustic method for diagnosing the pre-surge state of gas turbine engines.
: invariant, acoustic signal, random process, pre-surge state, unstable operation of gas turbine engines, surge, failure, hardware and software complex
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